User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: <em><strong>"Whistleblowers" </strong></em>- JAPAN - Gain Respect in

May 30, 2005

"Whistleblowers" - JAPAN - Gain Respect in

TOKYO,Japan -Newsday/Long Island,NY,USA/Associated Press,by YURI KAGEYAMA -May 23 2005: -- For much of his 30-year career, Hiroaki Kushioka's office was a closet-like room. A college graduate, he would pass the time gardening or shoveling snow. His bosses denied him promotion and repeatedly pressured him to quit... His offense? Being a whistleblower, in a nation where corporate loyalty is so highly valued that employees who report managerial misdoing are shunned as traitors... That's why the battle this 59-year-old waged to expose price-rigging in the trucking company that employed him has been solitary and has gone largely unnoticed until recently... "If I hadn't done it, I would have regretted it," he said in an interview... Japan recently passed its first law to protect whistleblowers from workplace retribution... The law, taking effect next April, is a response to a spate of scandals that have hit Japan Inc. over the last several years -- the cover-up of auto defects at Mitsubishi Motors Corp., mislabeling of meat at Snow Brand Foods Co., hiding of bad debts at UFJ Bank... They argue that talking to the company won't work because a management gone bad is apt to squelch a whistleblower rather than respond in good faith...


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