User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: BLIND SPOT - IRISH - Callely under pressure over blind spot mirrors

Jul 8, 2005

BLIND SPOT - IRISH - Callely under pressure over blind spot mirrors

UK -Transport News Network - Jul 2005: -- Irish Junior Transport Minister, Ivor Callely, is coming under increasing pressure to bring forward legislation to force transport operators to fit so-called blind spot mirrors on their vehicles... The call comes following the inquest of a 54 year-old Co. Meath woman who died when she stepped in front of a truck in February of this year... Garda John Walsh told Coroner John Lacey last week that Doreen Gillic, from Kells Co. Meath had died due to the "blind spot" on the truck that struck her...


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