User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: CONGRATULATIONS - USA's Truck Drivers are Great!

Jul 19, 2005

CONGRATULATIONS - USA's Truck Drivers are Great!

From British: BigRigJobs have been delving into the safety records for American truck drivers. Here's what they discovered.
UK -Transport News Network -July 15 2005: -- I ran across some interesting stats today. It seems that the trucking industry is actually playing by the rules a little bit better than the rest of the population. The large truck fatal crash rate has dropped by 29% over the past decade. It is now sitting at a record low of 1.9 fatal crashes per 100,000,000 miles travelled. All of this while the total vehicle miles has increased by 42% over that same decade... When considering fatigue, an amazing 92.2% of fatigue related crashes involved passenger vehicles. While only 3%-6% of fatigue related crashes involved truck drivers. That is an especially amazing statistic when one considers that an over-the-road driver's average run is nearly 500 miles...


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