User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Cargo Theft - USA - President signs bill

Mar 15, 2006

Cargo Theft - USA - President signs bill

Gainesville,FL,USA -The ainesville Sun, by JOE CALLAHAN -March 10. 2006: -- The cargo theft bill was signed by President Bush... It is part of the revised USA Patriot Act... Retired Miami-Dade police commander Lt. Ed Petow thought he would never see the day when cargo theft would finally be recognized as a national crisis... As one of the nation's first commanders of a cargo theft task force called the TOMCATS, he felt alone in combating a crime that costs Americans at least $10 billion annually... The Patriot Act increases prison terms to three years for anyone convicted of stealing cargo with a value of less than $1,000 and 15 years for those convicted of thefts of more than $1,000...


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