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Mar 15, 2006

Security - USA - Officials call for scans of all cargo

High-tech inspection of all incoming containers is necessary for security

NORFOLK,Newport News,VA,USA -Daily Press, by PETER DUJARDIN -Mar 14, 2006 -- The time has come to inspect 100 percent of all imported cargo containers for bombs and terrorist weapons, U.S. Rep. Robert C. Scott and Virginia Port Authority executive director J. Robert Bray said Monday... Scott, D-Newport News, and Bray, the nation's longest-running director at a major seaport, said the federal government needs to install the radiation detection machines and image readers necessary to scan every incoming container with both machines... Only about 5 percent of containers - the 40-foot steel boxes that carry the overwhelming majority of the nation's nonbulk cargo - go through the scanners at most ports now...


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