User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Project - USA - On Fuel Cell Auxiliary Power Unit (APU)

Jun 29, 2006

Project - USA - On Fuel Cell Auxiliary Power Unit (APU)

Ricardo and Technology Management Inc. collaborate and receive $1 million grant

VAN BUREN TWP., Mich.,USA -Yahoo! News (press release)/PRNewswire -June 28,2006: -- In an effort to help prevent engine idling and to significantly reduce noise, pollution and fuel costs for commercial and military vehicles, Technology Management Inc. (TMI), a leading Cleveland-based developer of modular solid oxide fuel cell systems, is collaborating with Ricardo -- one of the world's foremost independent automotive engineering and management consulting firms -- to develop an integrated multi-fuel auxiliary power unit (APU), that could be used to power onboard electrical devices as an alternative to idling large diesel engines. These systems could be in mass production in the next five to 10 years...


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