User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: PROGNOSIS * USA - Suppliers spin around global trucking predictions

Jan 31, 2007

PROGNOSIS * USA - Suppliers spin around global trucking predictions

Will a 'global' truck ever catch on in North America?

Las Vegas,NE,USA -Today's Trucking -01/29/2007: -- ...Globalization, in fact a lot of 'tions' -- everything from harmonization to vertical integration -- were the hot topics at last week's Heavy Duty Dialogue and Aftermarket Week in Las Vegas... Despite increased talk that heavy-duty truckmakers are looking more and more towards proprietary powertrains, several engine makers and other top-tier suppliers don't seem to be particularly worried... While some form of vertical integration among truck OEMs is inevitable as manufacturers look for ways to reduce costs and increase productivity, several suppliers agreed that many don't have the core competencies, enough unit volume, or the research and development capital for a completely integrated truck... (Photo: Truck and component makers try to squeeze as much standardized technology around the world they can)



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