User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Speed Limit * USA - Manitoba government gets approval to hike speed limit to 110 km/h

Feb 28, 2008

Speed Limit * USA - Manitoba government gets approval to hike speed limit to 110 km/h

Winnipeg,MAN,CAN -The Winnipeg Sun -February 27, 2008: -- Manitoba drivers will soon enjoy the same right to drive 110 kilometres per hour as their counterparts in the other Prairie provinces, but not all motorists are happy... The province’s Highway Traffic Board has approved a government plan to raise the limit from the current 100 km/h on certain stretches of road that have wide shoulders, rumble strips and other safety features... The idea has plenty of critics, however. People who attended the traffic board’s public hearings earlier this year said faster cars and trucks will lead to more accidents. The Manitoba Trucking Association is concerned that faster speeds will reduce fuel efficiency and require truckers to spend more on fuel... (Video from YouTube, by echoo2 -May 30, 2007: "TRUCK DRIVE DOWN PORTAGE" - A trip down Portage ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba, for people that use to live here and miss the drive, hope you enjoy the ride)



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