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May 29, 2008

TRUCKERS' STRIKES * WORLDWIDE - Because higher fuel costs

* UK - Truckers jam London in petrol protest

London,UK -AP/Edmonton Sun (Alberta,Canada ) -28 May 2008: -- Hundreds of trucks rolled into central London yesterday, jamming a major route into the British capital in a protest against rising fuel prices... Around 300 truck drivers honked their horns and parked on a highway on the edge of the city... The truckers are protesting the soaring cost of fuel in Britain, where diesel fuel now costs around $2.35 a litre... They say thousands of trucking jobs are in jeopardy and are calling on Prime Minister Gordon Brown's Labour government to lower fuel taxes for trucking companies...

* Bulgaria - Truck and taxi drivers on strike in Sofia

Sofia,Bulgaria -The Sofia Echo, by Elitsa Grancharova -28 May 2008: -- On May 28, about 150 trucks took part in the rally against the high fuel excise duty in Sofia suburbs, while 15 cabs gathered to protest the same in Sofia’s centre... The truckers’ protest was organised by the Confederation of the Automobile Transport Associations, Bulgarian-language daily Dnevnik reported. Their main demand is for the Government to urgently intervene on the fuel market and to take measures against the speculative prices of fuels. They also insisted on re-payment of the excise duty that the transport companies pay and measures against any cartels being formed by fuel retailers... (Photo: Krassimir Yuskesseliev)


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