User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Alternative Fuels * USA - Long Term Biodiesel Study Results To Date Positive

Aug 29, 2008

Alternative Fuels * USA - Long Term Biodiesel Study Results To Date Positive

About a long term biodiesel study that was underway called the Two Million Mile Haul

Washington,DC,USA - American Fuels, by mus302 -August 27, 2008: -- The Two Million Mile Haul is being conducted by Decker Truck Lines and the National Biodiesel Board along with other sponsors and is meant to demonstrate the effectiveness of B20 biodiesel for the over the road trucking industry.The study is nearing completion with about 200,000 miles left. Results to date were released last week and showed positive results... Data collected from each truck’s electronic data recorder this summer shows fuel efficiency for the B20 blend comparable to that of petroleum diesel... Biodiesel acts as an engine lubricant; biodiesel offers significantly higher cetane numbers, reduces harmful emissions and adds national fuel production, and biodiesel offers a fleet the opportunity to market itself as a ‘green’ transporter to today’s environmentally-conscience corporations... These findings mimic fuel efficiency test results released this week by the National Renewable Energy Lab and the National Biodiesel Board, showing comparable mileage between B20 and ultra-low sulfur diesel...



Blogger Mr Bicep Exercises said...

Ive been following this long term study and think the results so far are great. With only a fifth left to go. We should have the study published soon.

Check out my blog

6:47 AM  

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