User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: B TRIPLE TRUCKS * Australia - Plan for giant trucks revealed

Aug 28, 2008

B TRIPLE TRUCKS * Australia - Plan for giant trucks revealed

Giant B triple trucks could soon be rumbling across Victoria under secret plans to bulk up the state's major freight corridors

Victoria,Australia -AAP/Herald Sun -August 28, 2008: -- The Victorian Government has plotted seven major B triple routes that would span the state, taking in major city and country highways, freeways and tollways... The plan is contained in secret Department of Transport documents leaked to the Opposition... Premier John Brumby said no decision had been made on the proposal, which has been welcomed by industry groups... B triples, a prime mover towing three trailers, already operate between Geelong and Broadmeadows under a licence with Ford... They weigh up to 82 tonnes and are up to 36m long... Australian Trucking Association chief executive Stuart St Clair said B triples boosted productivity by 30 per cent and would cut the number of trucks on the road... (Picture 1. above - Picture 2. below: Proposed route maps. Source: Department of Transport)



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