User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: LONGER TRUCKS * Canada - 10 axle trucks OKed for Alberta forestry sector

Oct 29, 2009

LONGER TRUCKS * Canada - 10 axle trucks OKed for Alberta forestry sector

Grande Preirie,ALB,Can -Today's Trucking -29 Oct 2009: -- An Alberta log hauler is reportedly the first carrier in Canada to be allowed to run nine and 10-axle trucks in the province... According to Sun Media, Minhas Bros. Trucking of Grande Prairie was certified by Alberta Transportation as part of a pilot project to reduce costs and boost efficiency in the forestry sector... Under the new permit, the same weight limit per axle remains, but the extra axles could add payload of roughly 10 percent, up to about 78,000 kg, up from the eight axles and 63,500 kg previously... (Photo from roadtransport/big-lorry-blog (uk), by Pete Townsend: A Canada/USA truck)



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