User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: CAFFEINE MAY REDUCE AUTO ACCIDENTS * Australia

Mar 25, 2013


* NSW - Go On, Have Another Coffee Cup 

(Photo: Truckers' coffee
 -The Car Connection, by Richard Read -Mar 22, 2013: -- If you like coffee as much as we do, this Friday is about to get a whole lot better. Not only does java make a great eye-opener, but according to a report in BMJ (formerly the British Medical Journal), it could also keep you safer on the road... That claim comes from researchers in Australia, who interviewed 1,047 long-haul truck drivers -- 530 of whom who had been involved in a collision within the previous year, and 517 who hadn't. They also asked drivers' about their caffeine consumption and divided respondents into three groups: low, moderate, and high. Folks in the "low" group consumed under 200 mg of caffeine per day, which is roughly equivalent to two cups of coffee or a couple of energy drinks. Those who downed 200-400 mg of caffeine were put in the "moderate" group, and those above 400 mg were in the "high" group... After correcting, for other factors, the scientists reached a clear conclusion: Consumption of caffeinated drinks can reduce the risk of crashing among long distance commercial motor vehicle drivers by 63% compared with drivers who do not report taking caffeinated stimulants for the purpose of staying awake while driving...



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