User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKERS' SAFETY * USA: Truck parking spaces

Aug 29, 2014

TRUCKERS' SAFETY * USA: Truck parking spaces

* Minnesota - Parking availability system takes aim at truck driver fatigue

(Video from MnDOT Research -26 Aug 2014: MnDOT, in partnership with the University of Minnesota and the American Trucking Research Institute, is testing the implementation and deployment of a system to identify available truck parking spaces and communicate the information to truck drivers and carriers. The goal of the project is to improve their operational decision-making along the I-94 corridor west of the Twin Cities and combat drowsy driving)
St.Paul,MINN,USA -Mn Transportation Research, by Nick -August 27, 2014: -- MnDOT, in partnership with the Federal Highway Administration, is test-deploying a high-tech system to help combat drowsy driving and keep truck drivers in compliance with federal hours-of-service regulations... Developed by researchers at the University of Minnesota, the prototype system lets drivers know when parking spaces are available at rest stops ahead. It has been deployed at several locations along the heavily traveled I-94 corridor between Minneapolis and St. Cloud...

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