User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: DRONES * USA: Workhorse Group creates UAV equipped delivery truck system

Jul 29, 2015

DRONES * USA: Workhorse Group creates UAV equipped delivery truck system

* Ohio - Amazon and Google aren't the only ones with a delivery drone

-- In the race to develop a drone that delivers packages, don’t count out Workhorse. Isn’t a high profile company, but on Tuesday it demonstrated an eight-rotor delivery drone designed to work with its electric trucks and utilize some of the same battery technology... So, if a driver had four deliveries in one part of town but only one in another, the drone might be able to handle that single, less convenient delivery. The technology combines autonomous and manual control... GPS is used to determine the delivery location, and the drone flies there without any human input, Elliot Bokeno, a mechanical engineer with Workhorse, said. But when it gets to the address, a downward-pointing camera switches on and an operator at a remote center takes over... The operator guides the drone down, making sure to avoid people and obstacles, and releases the package. The drone then resumes autonomous flight and makes its way back to the truck... For now, tests of the technology over relatively short distances continue. Workhorse is collaborating with the University of Cincinnati and hopes to begin multi-mile delivery tests soon... 
(Photo from University of Cincinnati, by Lisa Ventre: Drones cool 1) -- Loveland, Ohio, USA - IDG News Service/CIO, by Martyn Williams - Jul 28, 2015



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