User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: ELECTRONIC LOGGING DEVICES * USA: Small trucking

Mar 26, 2016


* New Jersey - Survey: Small truckers delaying switch to ELD

-- Most small trucking operations do not have electronic logging devices or ELDs or any type of on-board computer, and most don’t plan to purchase and install them until a December 2017 deadline draws much closer, according to a recent survey of more than 1,000 trucking operators... That won’t be reassuring to U.S. shippers that depend on small carriers for capacity. Such shippers say they are increasingly nervous that their trucking partners may not be ready to comply with a U.S. mandate requiring them to replace paper logbooks with ELDs late next year... An overwhelming majority, 84 percent, of the 1,300 trucking operators surveyed by load-matching and technology company said they had yet to purchase or install any type of device that would electronically record a truck driver’s on-duty and off-duty hours of service... The majority of those surveyed operated one to five trucks, said. Of the 16 percent that have purchased onboard computers for electronic logging, 67 percent said they have installed them in all of their trucks... Shippers aren’t waiting for 2017 to begin quizzing their trucking partners about how they will comply with the mandated switch from paper to electronic logs... The ELD mandate is expected to drive an as yet unknown number of truckers out of business, either because they can’t afford the devices, dislike being told they have to use them or simply can’t make money operating under legal restrictions that ELDs will make easier to enforce... But the truckers surveyed would be interested in other products as well, especially systems that incorporate electronic logging but offer a wide array of functions and low price point... 
(Photo: Topic Tags electronic logs) -- Newark, NJ, USA - JOC, by William B. Cassidy - Mar 24, 2016

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